Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Subliminal Love

I never loved you
Because I thought I won’t be happy
Without you, I never did because
I thought I couldn’t live without u

I loved you because my
My happiness got embodied in you
Along with my sorrows, and I lost
The proficiency to differentiate

I never loved you because
I could not love someone else
But I did because I was never myself
When I tried doing so

I loved you because I could
See you in front, whenever
I desired, I could feel you
Wherever my eyes rested...

I never loved you because
I could only wait for you eternally
But because I had the force to
Smile when you said I will never

I loved you because
Whenever at 4 I went out in the balcony
My senses could caress you
In the air around me…

I never loved you because
My skin could register your embrace
I did because I could register myself
As me in your arms….

I loved you because
Every evening when I walked alone
I could feel you beside me
Trying to match my steps…

I never loved you because
I thought u will buy me roses
But I did because whenever I saw
Yellow lilies, I felt u have sent them

I loved you because
Whenever I thought of colors
I could see only blues….
And not the ruby

I never loved you because
I wanted to see the pacific with you
I did because I have carried it in my eyes
Since the time you last said good bye

I loved you because
Whenever I thought of elfin beauty
I went to see my smile in the mirror and
Figure how it would look through your eyes

Yes, I realize I loved you
Not for you, but for my own fancies
I don’t love you without a reason
But innumerable….

Yes, I fall in love with you everyday
And will keep on doing that
Not because I can’t forget you
Rather I don’t want to…

“Ephemeral Love”

Sitting on the seashore
I can see the tranquil deep
Seeming so silent and calm to the eye
But carrying a whirlwind inside

Sitting on the seashore
I can see the waves
Coming towards me to gulp me
But they recede only, kissing my feet

Sitting on the seashore
I tried encaging the surf
To make it mine forever
But it only left evanescent white froth

Why is your world like the sea?
It seems so silent to the world
Why do you keep inside?
The whole stream of emotions

Why are you like the waves?
I try catching you every time
I try making you mine
And you evaporate…you vanish

Why is your love like the froth?
Shaped like a crystal
So transparent…so beautiful … so clear
But so ephemeral

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