Wednesday, August 13, 2008


How can vulnerability
Be so beautiful at times
When you chose to be vulnerable
When you knew, it was beyond
The comprehension of
The good and the bad

Impacts of the circumstances
That made you shiver from inside
When you realized
Being vulnerable does not mean
Being weak and abandoned
It was a satire on sanity

You programmed your mind
To become deliberately permeable
To things you actually loved
Did let it enter your domain
Of thoughts and feelings
Still holding the rein

To the tears and smiles
Those were to follow
Out of the uncertain,
Unknown obscurity
Of something called
Love and belief

And later on stopped
Registering the stimuli
Of happiness and sorrow
Of known and unknown
Of chastity and sin
And was oblivious

As you know now that
The smiles today are to feign
You tomorrow and the tears
Today are to drown you
Nothing would uplift except
Being numb

And this vulnerability takes you
To a level, where
Your monotone and soliloquy
Rhyme and resonate
You know the most neglected

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